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  • drill with mixing spindle attachment
  • flat trowel:
  • plant spraye
  • gloves


  • check you have sufficient material (for consumption, see label)


  • Stir the resin using a drill with mixing spindle attachment
  • Put the granulates in a mixing tub or compulsory mixer,
  • Add the correct percentage (see label) of PU as soon as possible,
  • Mix for +/-2 minutes until homogeneous

Clean tools

  • Place small mounds and spread out immediately
  • Spread on the floor and spread immediately
  • If necessary, remove excess resin from the tub
  • Press/compact well

Additional points of attention

  • Empty packaging: cured material or scrapings => construction waste, otherwise => chemical waste
  • Clean tools with acetone


  • Note: always mix for the same time (use a chronometer) to prevent potential staining caused by too much/little erosion on the grains.
  • Note: if the resin concentration is too high, the resin may foam up after a few minutes, or even after a few hours. You can avoid this by:
      • after waiting a while, applying some excess resin from the bottom of the tub, mixer, wheelbarrow, etc. Always remove this immediately.
      • Do not pause after mixing so the resin does not have time to settle
      • if the gravel-resin mixture has stood still for more than 5 minutes, remix it
  • Note: If the resin comes into contact with (excess) water too early, the resin may foam up after a few minutes, or even after a few hours. You can avoid this by:
      • never use damp gravel (never leave the gravel out in the rain because the micro pores in the plastic bags allow water to enter the bag
      • do not use excess water to wet the trowel
      • always work on a dry surface
      • try to avoid rain getting on the floor for at least 1 hour after application
  • Note: If the granulates are damp, (white) tinges will appear in the floor, and it will not be possible to remove them



These brief installation instructions are provided to help you quickly get started with the installation. However, it is important to first read the technical data sheet and to take note of the safety data sheets Both documents can be found at the bottom of this page under downloads.


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