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Welcome to our team

Discover our jobs

Welcome to our team

Discover our jobs

Why Sidec?

Developing yourself in an innovative company brimming with future plans. You won’t go for less, and you’re right. And then there’s Sidec. Because choosing a job with this manufacturer of coated granules and synthetic resin flooring systems means choosing challenge, freedom and responsibility. As well as an environment with growth and training opportunities, where colleagues sing along loudly and the party committee always provides a nice touch.

Come and help build the future with your talent, Sidec’s and your own.

A healthy work-life balance Like you, we think a good work-life balance is important. Moreover, being able to do your job in a pleasant, safe and sustainable way is worth its weight in gold. Take to that the attractive working hours and you know you're in the right place with Sidec.
A positive atmosphere: music, cooperation and fun You will join a family and close-knit team where there is optimal cooperation and where we stand up for each other. With a touch of music in the background, we motivate each other and build success together. Strong together, that's what we believe in.
Developing yourself through internal and external training We are happy to invest in your knowledge through extensive internal training, and we also encourage attending interesting external courses. This way you can continue to learn in line with your ambitions.


Spontaneous application

"At Sidec, I put my shoulders to the wheel every day with a variety of innovative products and with a top-notch team around me. Boredom doesn't get a chance here and the satisfaction is great."


"Sidec is not my first employer, but it is the first place where I felt myself coming home. A family business pur sang, where there is room for autonomy as well as appreciation for what you do."


Employer branding articles


Teambuilding Sidec @ Beat the Barn

From wolf hunting, sheep herding and cow crashing. We did it all during our super fun team-building activity “Beat the Barn” in Balen.


Present from the very beginning – 30 years of service.

It's Sidec and Christina, we say them in one breath here. Because for 30 years, Christina has been an essential link in our organization. You're welcome!


20 years of service: congratulations, Nik!

20 years of loyal service, that’s an impressive feat. The ultimate opportunity to pay tribute to quality controller Nik.


"Our mission as an employer is to definitely be the best employer in the region. The best employer for you!" Yves Jonckers - CEO Sidec

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