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  • 11 mm microfibre roll
  • drill with mixing spindle attachment
  • water
  • adhesive tape


  • Check there is enough product available
  • Wear clean clothes and overshoes
  • Tape off edges
  • Remove any fluff or other foreign objects from 11 mm microfibre roller using tape
  • If necessary, make the floor grease and dust free


  • Stir A component
  • Add B-component to A-component in the correct mixing ratio (see label)
    !!! Do not add water yet.
  • Mix for 3 minutes until you obtain a thick white homogeneous paste (high speed, and scrape walls of mixing container as you go along)
  • Add half of the water (see label), mix for +/-3 minutes, scrape walls of mixing container as you go along
  • Add the other half of the water and mix for +/-3 minutes
  • In warm weather, max. 5% extra water can be added


  • Ensure there are sufficient people for the roller work (at least 2 people)
  • the edges that still need to be worked against must be sufficiently wet (liquid): therefore leave a maximum of 4 minutes between connecting the previous track and the new one
  • use an 11 mm saturated microfibre roll for rolling
  • saturate the roller with +/-400g of material in roller tray
  • roll crosswise
  • >for the final rolling motion, roll the roller forward without applying pressure. Do not pull the roller backwards, lift it in a smooth movement in order to avoid roller streaks

Additional points of attention

  • Clean with water


  • remove the tape immediately after application before the product has hardened
  • For underfloor heating: bring to 15°C at least 2 days in advance
  • prevent roller tracks caused by rapid drying during application:
      1. avoid air circulation
      2. do not apply when temperatures are too high (>25°C), tape windows if a lot of sun is shining in
      3. switch off the air conditioning at least 1 hour before starting
      4. ensure sufficient humidity in the room (60%)
  • Cannot be overpainted after 4 hours of drying…
  • after rolling:
    • leave interior doors open
    • open 1 window or door to the outside in the next room
    • or switch on the ventilation system at the lowest position
    • after 24 hours, air conditioning or underfloor heating may be switched on again



These brief installation instructions are provided to help you quickly get started with the installation. However, it is important to first read the technical data sheet and to take note of the safety data sheets Both documents can be found at the bottom of this page under downloads.


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