Stonecarpet Deluxe

The basis of this “open structure” decorative gravel floor is formed by colored quartz stones and a high-quality PU binder. The gravel grains of 2-3 mm or 3-4 mm are wrapped with a UV-resistant PU color coating. To optimize wear resistance, the coating process is done at high temperature....

This floor consists of 2 layers: primer and stone carpet. The minimum installation height of this system is 6 mm or 8 mm depending on the chosen grain size. The choice of primer depends on the type of substrate. To make it easy for you, we have added a document in Downloads below so you can easily see for yourself which primer is the most suitable for you.

The PU binder used for this system is 100% UV resistant, which prevents discolouration and reserves the original colour at all times. This makes the stone carpet deluxe extremely suitable for use both outdoors and indoors (in places that receive a lot of sunlight). Not all pigments are UV stable; therefore, a list of colours that have been tested for UV resistance can be found under the downloads section.

Applications: Living room, Bedroom, Office, Boutique, Veranda


  • UV-resistant (no discoloration)
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